Make Snow Angels on a Glacier

…and that’s how I found myself in Alaska for 48 hours. What do you do when you get to Anchorage past midnight? Head over to Bernie’s Bungalow Lounge of course.
360 List, Mind, Mindfulness / 0 comments
…and that’s how I found myself in Alaska for 48 hours. What do you do when you get to Anchorage past midnight? Head over to Bernie’s Bungalow Lounge of course.
Democratizing practical memory. In three little words lies the potential to profoundly change the way we approach a lifetime of learning. Imagine learning something—anything—empowered by the certainty that memory retention and recall was no longer a limitation, that it was no longer a factor in the equation.
featured, Mind, Mindfulness / 0 comments
I turn potential energy into kinetic. This statement guides my life’s purpose. It helps keep me aligned and puts into context the various ups and downs that I will encounter in both my personal and professional lives. It helps right my course when I stray and helps me when I’m trying to make a difficult decision.